Before getting an auto insurance quote online, it helps to have your "ducks in a row." Here are some tips to make it even easier to find savings on car insurance.
You've probably heard that one of the best ways to save money on car insurance is to get comparison quotes from different auto insurance companies. Now that's easier than ever with the availability of online auto insurance quotes.
However, you want to make sure that you are comparing the same features and coverages between companies in order to get a true comparison. This is because different coverages can change the cost of your policy. In order to do this, it helps to get some information ready:
If you already have car insurance and are looking for a better deal, get out your current policy so you know what limits of liability, deductibles and other coverages you have. Most online auto insurance quote forms ask for this information.
If you are looking for coverage on a newly purchased car, or haven't had coverage lately, jot down the limits of liability and deductibles you think you would like. You can always change this later. Check out your state's insurance department Web site to find out the minimum limits of liability required.
Other information you will want on hand is your driver's license number, and the year, make and model of the car you're insuring. You should also be aware of any features that your vehicle has that could save you money on your insurance, such as Anti-lock Brakes (ABS), alarms and air bags.
Then make sure you get at least three different quotes for a good comparison. Write down the quotes and any other notes you have about what each company offers.
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